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我们的研究方向:试图阐明细胞维持其基因组稳定性的机制。具体项目包括:1)真核细胞DNA复制的机理;2)Checkpoint 调控通路的阐明;3)DNA复制叉被稳定的机制;4)真核细胞DNA重组与修复的机制;5)染色体的结构及其在细胞核里的空间安排;6)基因组不稳定性与细胞病变或癌变的内在联系。



1. Jiazhi Hu, Lei Sun, Fenfen Shen, Yufei Chen, Yu Hua, Yang Liu, Mian Zhang, Yiren Hu, Qingsong Wang, Wei Xu, Fei Sun, Jianguo Ji, Johanne M. Murray, Antony M. Carr, and Daochun Kong. The Intra-S Phase Checkpoint Targets Dna2 to Prevent Stalled Replication Forks from Reversing. Cell 149, 1221–1232, June 8, 2012. 

2. Lihong Wu1,*, Fang Yang1,*, Yuan Zhang1*, Ling Guan1*, Yu Hua1, Kai Liu1, Di Yao1, Qiong Ye1, Jiazhi Hu1, Peng He1, Eishi Noguchi2, Han Xu1, Ming Yang1, Tianyuan Li1, Joel A. Huberman3, Daochun Kong1§ Sap1/Girdin is required to recruit Cdc18/Cdc6 to chromatin for initiation of DNA replication in fission yeast and human cells. (submitted).

3. Yuan Zhang, Xiong Mengling and Daochun Kong*. Sap1 and Cdc18 participate in the intra-S phase checkpoint activation in the fission yeast Schizosacchromyces pombe. ( in preparation)

4. Qiong Ye & Daochun Kong (2013) The determination of interacting domains between Sap1 and Cdc18 proteins. (in preparation)

5. Ling Gui & Daochun Kong (2013) The identification of DNA replication origins in the fission yeast S. pombe. (in preparation)

6. Bochao Liu, Jiazhi Hu & Daochun Kong (2013). The in vivo evidence for the role of Dna2 and Fen1 in the maturation of Okazaki fragments. (in preparation)

7. Lihong Wu & Daochun Kong (2013). The large-scale identification of the sites of pre-replication complex in human cells. (in preparation)






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