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研究调节基因转录活性的关键转录因子是理解细胞命运转变和疾病产生机理的重要方向。转录调节因子在细胞中的空间显微分布,和时间动态在近年显微成像技术的成熟和运用中得到了新的认识。实验室开发和利用活细胞成像和高速单分子成像技术,致力于研究哺乳动物细胞中转录调控因子在染色质环境中的空间显微分布和高速时间动态,目的在于揭示新的作用机理。我们也将根据生物学问题,发展新的显微成像技术。此外,细胞核内染色质的三维空间构象对转录活性的调节起着重要作用,但是调控三维结构的核蛋白以及分子机理并不完全了解,仍然存在未解之谜。所以我们也将挑选关键问题利用成像技术和基因组测序技术进行研究,阐释分子机理。 总言之,实验室将利用荧光成像、基因组学、生物化学和基因组编辑多种研究手段,力求达到对转录调控事件在包括DNA序列,染色质表观遗传学特性,高分辨的时间动态,和超高分辨的空间分布多个维度的综合认识。




1. Deng W† (co-corresponding author), Shi X, Tjian R, Lionnet T and Singer RH†. CASFISH: CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated in situ Labeling of Genomic Loci in Fixed Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015 Sep 22;112(38):11870-5.

2. Knight SC, Xie L, Deng W, Guglielmi B, Witkowsky L, Bosanac L, Zhang E, Beheiry M, Masson J, Dahan M, Liu Z, Doudna JA and Tjian R. Dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Interrogation in Living Cells. Science, 2015 Nov 13;350(6262):823-6

3. Deng W*, Rupon JW*, Krivega I, Breda L, Motta I, Jahn KS, Reik A, Gregory PD, Rivella S, Dean A, Blobel GA. Reactivation of developmentally silenced globin genes by forced chromatin looping. Cell, 2014 Aug 14;158(4):849-60.  (*co-first author) 

4. Deng W, Blobel GA. Manipulating nuclear architecture. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2014 Apr;25:1-7. 

5. Deng W, Lee J, Wang H, Miller J, Reik A, Gregory PD, Dean A and Blobel GA. Controlling long range genomic interactions at a native locus by targeted tethering of a looping factor. Cell, 2012 Jun 8;149(6):1233-44.  (Featured by Cell PaperFlick) 

6. Deng W, Blobel GA. Do chromatin loops provide epigenetic gene expression states? Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2010 Oct;20(5):548-54.

7. Tripic T*, Deng W* (*co-first author), Cheng Y, Zhang Y, Vakoc CR, Gregory GD, Hardison RC, Blobel GA. SCL and associated proteins distinguish active from repressive GATA transcription factor complexes. Blood. 2009 Mar 5;113(10):2191-201.







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