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代表性科研论文 / Selected Publications:

1. Zhou M #, Melin MD, Xu W, Südhof TC. (2020) Dysfunction of parvalbumin neurons in the cerebellar nuclei produces action tremor in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation 10, 5142-5156. (# Corresponding author)

2. Zhou M #, Liu Z, Melin MD, Ng YH, Xu W, Südhof TC #. (2018) A central amygdala to zona incerta projection is required for acquisition and remote recall of conditioned fear memory. Nature Neuroscience 11, 1515-1519 (# Co-corresponding authors)

3. Zhou M *, Liang F *, Xiong XR, Li L, Li H, Xiao Z, Tao HW, Zhang LI. (2014) Scaling down of balanced excitation and inhibition by active behavioral states in auditory cortex. Nature Neuroscience 6, 841-850 (* Equal contribution)

4. Zhou M, Li YT, Yuan W, Tao HW, Zhang LI. (2014) Synaptic mechanisms for generating temporal diversity of auditory representation in the dorsal cochlear nucleus. Journal of Neurophysiology 5, 1358-1368

5. Zhou M, Tao HW, Zhang LI. (2012) Generation of intensity selectivity by differential synaptic tuning: fast-saturating excitation but slow-saturating inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience 50, 18068-18078




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